Laplace System has delivered pioneering products in the field of renewable energy.
We will create a better future with our software technology.

We believe in our 'Quick-Comprehension' method.
We will continue taking on the role as a bridge between people and new technology through software.

Laplace System has addressed challenges in the field of renewable energy from early on, and has delivered many innovative products.
We have contributed to the promotion of adoption and practice of alternative energy.
We will continue to be a front-runner opening the 'gateway' to the future of renewable energy.

We will deliver our products and skills from Kyoto, a spirit of Japan, to the World.

- 1990.
- 06
- Masayuki Horii established Laplace System as a limited private company.
- 1997.
- 04
- Released photovoltaic monitoring software "Solar Link."
- 12
- Released photovoltaics simulation software"Solar Pro."
- 1999.
- 04
- Released photovoltaic monitoring software for home "Solar Home."
- 05
- Reorganized as Laplace System Co., Ltd.
- 07
- Released web-based monitoring and presentation system "Solar Link Web."
- 2001.
- 08
- Authorized by "The Law to support creative activities of SME."
- 2002.
- 04
- Released wind power generation monitoring software "Wind Link".
- 12
- Released photovoltaic monitoring and presentation software "Solar Link Viewer".
- 2003.
- 06
- "Project of Wind Power Generation Simulation Software" was adopted as a contract theme of R&D by Japan Small and Medium Enterprise Corporation.
- 12
- Solar Pro was awarded "Excellent Technology Prize of SME in Kyoto, 2003".
- 2004.
- 11
- Tokyo office opened.
- 2005.
- 02
- Concluded distributorship agreement with Korean company, DAHAN TECH Inc.
- 03
- Participated in "Venture Incubation in USA." program of JETRO.
- 2006.
- 03
- Concluded distributorship agreement with Taiwanese company, Lawson Transworld Inc.
- 09
- Relocated Tokyo office to Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo.
- 2007.
- 03
- Released Web-based Monitoring and Presentation System for commercial use photovoltaic system.
- 07
- Relocated Tokyo office to Hatsudai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo.
- 2009.
- 06
- Relocated headquarters to Fushimi-ku, Kyoto.
- 10
- "Solar Link ZERO" released.
- 2010.
- 01
- Relocated Tokyo office to Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo.
- 05
- Got a prize of "Top Runner for Environmental Efforts" from Kyoto Pref.
- 2012.
- 02
- "Awarded as "Oscar Certified Company" by Kyoto City.
- 07
- Launched Solar Link ARCH and L-eye ASP services.
- 12
- Received the "Kyoto Biz Grand Prize" from KBS Kyoto "kyo biz".
- 2013.
- 09
- Established call center
- 2014.
- 08
- We built the new head office building in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto.
- 2015.
- 08
- Tokyo office was relocated to Shinjuku Gyoen Bldg. in Shinjuku-ku.
- 09
- Birth of original characters, Plus-kun and Plala-chan.
- 10
- Established Fukuoka Sales Office in Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City.
- 2016.
- 03
- Recognized as a "Genkijirushi" company by Kyoto Prefecture.
- 08
- Established Sendai Sales Office in Aoba-ku, Sendai City.
- 09
- Released remote monitoring system and service "L-eye".
- 12
- Established a new office building on the head office premises.
- 2017.
- 06
- Released O&M Assist, an O&M management system for solar power generation facilities.
- 12
- Released a web camera set for remote monitoring of solar power generation
- 2018.
- 05
- Released Solar Legato, an automatic output control system for self-consumption solar power generation.
- 07
- Established Nagoya Sales Office in Naka-ku, Nagoya City.
- 11
- Solar Link ZERO was certified as "Kyoto Eco Style Product".
- 2019.
- 03
- Released Measurement-Linked PR Software "Mieruika Web".
- 04
- Established Takasaki Sales Office in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture.
- 05
- Laplace System Display board released.
- 09
- Recognized as a "Kurumin Certified" company that supports childcare.
- 2020.
- 01
- Release of Remote Monitoring System & Service "L・eye Total Monitoring.
- 02
- Release of L-eye Remote Monitoring System & Service "L-eye Monitoring Application.
- 2021.
- 01
- Released Smart Terminal Block FLIPLINK.
- 07
- Kyoto Wisdom Industrial Creation Forest, a general incorporated association, adopted as a subsidy for the project to promote smart social implementation.
- 08
- Released "Solar Legato Battery".
- 2022.
- 01
- Merged with wholly owned subsidiary DIGITALEAF Co.
- 2023.
- 12
- Established local subsidiary in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- 2024.
- 10
- Established Minamihama Warehouse in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City.
- 2025.
- 01
- Established Sapporo Sales Office in Kita-ku, Sapporo City.
- 01
- Established Hiroshima Sales Office in Naka-ku, Hiroshima City.

- Monitoring and presentation system for renewable energy
- PV system simulation software
- Integrated compact sized terminal and software
- Web-based monitoring and presentation system
- Web banner with a monitoring and displaying function
- Monitoring, displaying and environmental study software for elementary schools
which ratified "School New Deal" policy - Monitoring and displaying content integrated into digital signage
- Environmental study content
- Short-circuit calculation software
- Electric design supporting software
- System for soil analysis and selection of foundation
- Ground database, System for selection of foundation
- Pile design supporting system